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Email- membership@forgottenparanormal.co.uk

If you require help or advise about suspected haunting's please use the contact details below and we will gladly help where we can. We DO NOT charge for any advice or help that we provide and all information is kept confidential  about you and the issues you have. For more information please email or call.

Email: Tim.watson@forgottenparanormal.co.uk

Mobile: 07818552830

©The Forgotten Paranormal Society - All rights received 2015

Welcome to the members area. Membership to the Forgotten Paranormal Society is free. Inside the members area we have our Rare Book Library which will have over 200 paranormal books available to down load. We are still working to get these on the site so please bare with us. You can also post to our online notice board ask for advice or just share your experiences. To join simply fill in the form below and as soon as your application has been approved you will receive your username and password by e-mail.

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If you already have a username and password you can login here. If your not a member and would like to apply please complete the form below